Glowing Reviews for One Reason to Live!

“Not for the faint of heart, Christine Rose’s memoir, One Reason to Live, describes her strength and willingness to build her life back into a state of well-being after multiple traumas including sexual violence, an ending marriage, and some very confusing relationships. Poignant, yet hopeful, this book will evoke many emotions in its readers. Christine’s…

Book Review: Darker Still – A Novel of Magic Most Foul

Simply splendid. In fact, I’d go as far as to say: Brilliant! That’s what I think of Darker Still: A Novel of Magic Most Foul I first started reading Ms. Hieber’s work when my agent introduced me to the author. We hit it off immediately, and have stayed in touch through the years. I adored…

Valentine’s Day Love & Horror Stories to Share

This blog, I’m ashamed to admit, has been very much on and off for the past year, expressly against my own advice! This is what happens when an author tries to maintain two separate author personae. Not enough time. Not enough energy. I’m working on merging the two, over time. My alter ego, O. M….

P&MR Second Edition Coming Soon!

Coming very soon, like in March, the new, improved, updated Publishing & Marketing Realities for the Emerging Author, Second Edition. So much has changed in the past two years since I wrote this book, that it’s high time for an update. In the second edition, MAJOR CHANGES to LSI and CreateSpace as viable publishing options….

Apple & the eBook Revolution

Later this month, sources claim that Apple won’t be talking about the latest techno-gadget they made before everyone else. They’re known for their cutting-edge technology, quality products, and elitist pricing, but this month’s Apple event won’t focus on any of that. This month, they’re talking eBooks and eBook Publishing through their iBook platform. Yay! See…

Killing Themselves Over eBooks

I’ve said it before myself. NY Big Boy Publishers are only hurting themselves (well, along with their readers and their authors, I suppose) with their stance on eBooks. Here is an interesting blog post on the subject of DRM by author Charlie Stross: “Cutting Their Own Throats” Excerpt: The corporate drive for DRM is motivated…

eBook Pirates & Lending (Podcast)

Episode 25: eBook Pirates & Lending New York is still making stupid decisions when it comes to eBooks. They’ve pulled their eBooks from Amazon’s Lending Library. Also, a look at the huge scare around eBook Pirates. Is it really anything to worry about? Remember, obscurity is worse. Publishing & Marketing Realities: Episode 25 – eBook…

Sleeping With the Enemy (Podcast)

Something new today: instead of talking about one of my former blog posts with additional commentary, I’ll be talking about a very interesting post by author Kiana Davenport, with additional commentary. The link to Ms. Davenport’s blog is below. I do have quite a few things to say about NY publishing after reading this post,…

Amazon Bypasses Publishers

Thanks to Twitter, where I get all my news, I found this little piece on Slashdot: “David Streitfeld reports that Amazon is aggressively wooing top authors, gnawing away at the services publishers, critics and agents used to provide. ‘Everyone’s afraid of Amazon,’ says Richard Curtis, a longtime agent who is also an e-book publisher. ‘The…

From Bookstore to Publisher…the Revolution of

Guest Post by Sabrina Jackson: In this day in age, we take to for pretty much anything our hearts desire.  Not only can you access the site to purchase that new book by your favorite author…but while you’re at it you can also add a plasma TV along with gourmet foods and wine to…