Custom Storage Volumes with LXD

Canonical Ltd. provides a container system similar to the popular Docker, but it can do so much more. For instance, it can run multiple processes inside the same container simultaneously, whereas Docker can only run one at a time. LXD (pronounced Lex-Dee) is an image-based system that enables the user to create a container from…

Gatsby Made Easier

In my last post, I took you through how to set up Gatsby with some tips on navigating some snags in their tutorial. Today, we’re going to look at an easier way to create a Gatsby site, especially if you have only basic knowledge of HTML / CSS / JS. We’ll also look at a…

Set Up a Static Site with Gatsby

It appears that many companies are now hosting their technical documentation on static sites made through services like Jekyll and Gatsby, so as a technical writer, it’s beneficial to learn how to use these tools. Whereas the static site generator Jekyll is built on Ruby, Gatsby is built on React, which is a JavaScript library…

Use These 25 Keyboard Shortcuts to Stave Off RSI

If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, sitting on the couch hunched over your laptop might be a comfortable way to work; however after working like that for ten years, you’ll likely find your back has become weak and rounded, your head craned perpetually forward, and the nerves in your arms, wrists, or hands…