Winter Squash & Fresh Sage Biscuits

This recipe is so very delicious. I’ve made it 4 times in the past three weeks, each time with a different squash. Although my biscuits aren’t nearly as attractive as the creator’s biscuits, they are scrumptious. Like most of my recipes, I alter them from another recipe. This one was altered from Kitchen Vignette’s Delicata…

Sweets for the Sweet!

Super happy to announce this! Spirit of the Otherworld (Rowan of the Wood, Book 5) is at the editors as I type! This means that, barring any major snafus, it will be out by Valentine’s Day! Pre-order your copy now, as we’ll only be offering a limited number of author-signed copies. Make sure you get…

Smashwords, LSI, and CS News

Just a few links to actual posts, seeing as how this is obviously not a real post. Smashwords to Start Accepting More eBook Formats in 2012 EXCERPT: Starting in 2012, Smashwords is going to allow everyone to submit other eBook files instead of the DOC file that is used as the source for Meatgrinder. This…

Neil Gaiman on Piracy

People often ask me about piracy issues and digital rights management (drm) concerns. I can’t say it any better than Neil has. Good stuff. —-{—-{@ All our books are DRM free. What are your thoughts on the issue of piracy and DRM?