New Amazon Bestseller!

It’s here!

There’s nothing quite like holding your newly-published book in your hand. I’m a little giddy.

Actually, this morning is filled with excitement. Not only did the proof of my new book come in, but I also woke up to being in the TOP 20 on the Kindle’s Authorship list!

It’s only been available on Kindle for 3 days, and it’s already hit the TOP 20. I love it.

It’s already gotten some great reviews, and I’m thrilled to discover it’s helping emerging authors navigate the shark-infested waters of publishing.

You’ll notice that there is a new menu at the top of this blog: “Publishing & Marketing Realities.” Beneath this, in a drop down menu, is the Resources link. This is everything I’ve referenced in the book and then some. Soon, I’ll be adding a “Supplemental” page as well, because things are just changing so fast. These will be things that will likely end up in the 2nd edition, but I want to keep my readers informed as things change the best I can.

So, if you have a Kindle, you can get Publishing & Marketing Realities for the Emerging Author right now for only $3.99! —> BUY ON KINDLE <—Remember, even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can get a free Kindle app for your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone/Pod, Blackberry, etc.

Also available on the NOOK and other eBook formats via Smashwords.

Within the next week or so, the paperback will be available via Amazon, B&N, and wherever books are sold. In the mean time, you can order one directly from me *author-signed*, if you prefer paperback.


What are some questions/topic you have regarding publishing/marketing? Please direct me to what will help you the most. xo Thank you so much for reading!

Don’t forget to share!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Chris says:

    Congrats! I am very heartened to see you ranked above “Writing Children’s Books For Dummies” on the Authorship list. (Should we really be encouraging dummies to write our children’s books?) Can’t wait to check out your newest work.

    1. christinerose says:

      Thanks, Chris! That list changes every hour, but it’s still nice to wake up to that. xo

  2. Lindsey says:

    Cool, Christine! If I ever decide to try writing, I will definitely be getting this book!

    1. christinerose says:

      Great! Please let me know if you decide to write a book. 😀

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